
He hurried to his beloved, the beautiful Hina. On the way, he sang to beg the gods of nature. 21 Oh Ta’aroa! Oh Ta’aroa! Foundation of the heavens Upper heaven and lower heaven Nothing can destroy you Oh Rä, you have risen Oh Rä, you have set Oh Rä, you are the rejoicing The rejoicing of all things Waters of the upper stratums Waters of the lower stratums Waters for fertilizing Waters for soothing Your skin, Hina Oh Hina you are my life Oh Hina you are my joy Oh Hina, you are my sweet darling Oh Hina you are my success Oh Hina, beauty of this world Oh Hina, so respectable The purest of loves Oh Hina with the soft looks Soft as dew drops Dew drops of the hills Oh Verohuri! Oh Verohuri! Show yourself Without making yourself visible To human eyes Oh Verohuri! Oh Verohuri! Whirl up In the water The water of Vaimuna Oh Verohuri! Oh Verohuri! Purify the skin The brown skin of my beloved The love of my life The beautiful Hina Oh Verohuri! Oh Verohuri! Your voice can be heard at a distance In the corridors Corridors of the valley The valley of Tuä’uru “Hina is clean, Hina is pure.” Ta’aroa! Ta’aroa! Rä! Rä! Waters! Waters! Verohuri! Verohuri! That comes the day! The day! The day! Let us rejoice! Let us rejoice! Let us rejoice!