MAUI - La capture du soleil - The trapping of the sun
20 Finally, his snare was ready to be used. Mäui then took his rope coil, tossed it onto his shoulder and then made his way towards the sunrise. Daylight was starting to break; the first sunrays already lit the earth. Mäui knew that time at last had come to trap the sun. He did not wait any longer, he headed to the reef to watch the sun rise. Enfin le piège fut prêt, Mäui prit alors son rouleau de cordes, le jeta sur son épaule et prit la direction du lever du soleil. Le jour commençait à poindre, les premiers rayons du soleil éclairaient déjà la terre. Mäui savait que le moment d’aller prendre le soleil au piège était enfin proche. Il n’attendit plus, il se dirigea vers le récif pour surveiller sa sortie.
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