MAUI - La capture du soleil - The trapping of the sun
Indeed, the inhabitants of this land could not quietly attend to their own affairs.They did not have time to finish their work as the sun was already finishing his transit across the sky. Men had no time to cook their food. They hardly had time to light their ovens and put their food inside when it was already night. When eventually, their food was cooked and their ovens opened, they didn’t have time to finish their meal as the sun disap- peared into the horizon. So the men took the habit of quickly eating their meals. They stopped heating their ovens and they would just eat their food raw. En effet, les habitants de cette terre ne pouvaient vaquer tranquillement à leurs occupations. Ils n’avaient pas le temps de finir leurs ouvrages que déjà le soleil terminait sa course dans le ciel. Les hommes n’avaient pas le temps de cuire leurs aliments, ils avaient à peine le temps d’allumer leur four et d’y mettre leur nourriture que déjà il faisait nuit. Lorsqu’enfin leurs aliments étaient cuits et que leur four était ouvert, ils n’avaient pas le temps de terminer leur repas que déjà le soleil disparaissait à l’horizon. Les hommes prirent alors l’habitude de manger rapidement leurs repas, ils ne chauffèrent plus leur four, ils se contentè- rent de manger crus leurs aliments. 6
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